Why a Craft Fair? Supporting local/regional art, artisans and crafters needs to be held in high regard. What people make on the Adirondack Coast is special and is often not found anywhere else in the world. Its part of our regional identity!!!! It is an honor for us to step up and create this opportunity and continue the momentum.
Past Show Statistics:
- We average between 2,000 and 2,500 attendees in single-day shows
- 70% of vendors reported a more than 25% increase in sales over similar shows.
- 90% gave the show a 10 out of 10.
- 96.4% thought it was "Very Organized" or "Extremely Organized"
- 100% thought our staff was "Very Friendly" or "Extremely Friendly"
Can I bring stuff in from China (or some other place)? ABSOLUTELY NOT. This show is for our regional artisans. The stuff you sell must be made here. Any violation of this will result in immediate removal from the show without a refund. Not sure if your stuff qualifies? Ask before you register! (steve@adirondackcoastevents.com).
How many booths can I get? You can make only ONE reservation. If you register for more, you will be removed from the show. We have a limited number of doubles (and one triple) available, and they are first-come, first-served. When they're gone, they're gone.
Can I pick my booth? No. Because there's no real fair way to do it. I get it though--it's important to know where you're going to be, and whether you get a "good" spot. I believe that every spot is a good spot, especially if the building is full of people. And, every spot is a good spot if your products are attractive and your "store" is set up to appeal to customers. Plus, it benefits everyone if we focus on marketing and promotion.
How are booths assigned? In short, they are assigned semi-randomly by category. The fairest way is to do it randomly, but we need to take into consideration the categories so that two vendors that make similar products are not next to each other. So, we sort our vendor list by category. Then we sort each category by registration date/time so that the earlier registrants get placed first. One category at a time, we assign booths throughout the venue making sure to spread out vendors of similar products. We don't look at specific vendor names, or play favorites in any way--with the exception of my entrepreneural 13-year-old daughter and my very talented mother-in-law. I play favorites with them because I'm not an idiot. :)
When do you assign booths (and when do we know where we are going to be?) If we are full, we'll do it as soon as we can once that happens. If we are not full, we'll do it about a week prior to the event.
Refunds? Provided we can fill your slot, we can offer you a partial refund. No full refunds will be issued. Refunds will be prorated based on incurred event expenses (advertising and marketing, staff, insurance, etc.). We're not here to hurt anyone financially. If you have special circumstances, please reach out to steve@adirondackcoastevents.com.
Wifi? This is becoming irrelevant with today's technologies. If you are comfortable using the cell phone network, I ask that you please do that. If it were me, I’d use Square on my cell phone (Or use my phone to hotspot an Ipad) and use that cell phone network to make transactions. In general, the cell network is more reliable than any wifi network and these transactions use very little data.
Is there anyone to help me move my stuff in and out? Working on it!
When Can I set up my stuff? Friday evening April 11 from 5pm-8pm. Also, Saturday morning of the show from 7am-9am.
When can I get the heck out of the building at the end of the day? The show ends at 4pm and you are required to stay until that time.
Who are you? My name is Steve Peters and I am the owner of Adirondack Coast Events, a DBA of Elevate518, LLC is a event company in Northern New York. I have decades of event experience from running Olympic Trials and international events in winter sports, to made-for-tv events with ESPN, to craft fairs, 5k's, youth and adult sports programs, parades and more.